Quite a few providers are showing a free preview of HBO and Cinemax this weekend, November 17 – 20. This free preview is promoting the special Night of Too Many Stars: America Unites for Autism with host Jon Stewart. Some new movie releases that are hopefully playing this weekend include Get Out, Split, John Wick: Chapter 2, and Fifty Shades Darker.
Here’s who’s showing the free preview this weekend. If you know your provider is and don’t see them on the list, please leave a comment.
Thank you to everyone who sent in tips for these!
Is this an extra free preview? Yesterday you posted a free preview for next weekend. This is almost too good to be true!
My thoughts exactly
Mike, I think this weekend is likely going to be one driven by HBO/Cinemax since so many are having it and the one over Thanksgiving is one driven by DirecTV and includes all premiums. DirecTV has done the Thanksgiving premium thing in years past so that’s likely still a go. And this weekend’s free preview are in your on-screen inbox already, so that’s definitely a go.
So is AT&T U-Verse free preview the 17th-20th or 23rd-26th as announced yesterday or both?
I agree with Mike above! So will attuverse really be giving us free previews this weekend AND ALL movie channels next thanksgiving weekend?!?!? Awesome if they do that! Kinda hoping it’s not a mistake!
Spectrum (Time Warner) hasnt offered any free previews I believe since January and prior to that April of the year before. Whats with that?
Yep, this seems to be in addition to next weekends.
It would be awsome if we had those channels on demand too
Can you put to liberty Cablevisión of pr?
… and as usual TWC/CharteSpectrum NYC NEVER participates in these even when its sponsored by the channels themselves.
What time on Friday does DIRECTV start the free preview?
Today we have HBO and Cinemax free preview on COMCAST (NW Wa). It was in the OnDemand section…however I had to go to PREMIUM CHANNELS…then HBO (or Max). Maybe it will switch over later today. It usually gets listed on the OnDemand as “Free Preview” or some such on the first pg of the OnDemand.
I’m seeing the HBO/Cinemax free preview on Xfinity. Strangely, it’s just On Demand that works. When I try watching HBO or Cinemax live, it says I need to subscribe. But, otherwise, all movies and series are “free” according to the On Demand. There’s even a “HBO Free Preview” on the Xfinity featured TV screen.
Is Cox participating?
Yes. I have Cox cable and I am getting the free preview right now. I live in Southern California for reference.
I’m a Sling subscriber and have received a couple of preview weekends through there. Not so lucky this weekend though! :(
As Lisa mentions below, Sling TV is having the preview of HBO and Cinemax. :)
I have sling and have had HBO and Cinemax free preview since the 17th
Thanks to all for the replies and the answers. Already setting my DVR up for this weekend’s movies.
To note on Melia O’s question—-these previews generally start at 0001, or at 12:01 am.
Thanks again everyone and enjoy your previews this weekend and next, and as always, a big thanks to FPTV for the heads up! You guys rock!!
Sling is having a freeview as well nov. 17 – nov 20
Service Electric?
I have Xfinity and the HBO movies are showing as free for me, but the channels themselves on the guide is not working.
Xfinity/Comcast is allowing me to watch on demand HBO and Cinemax right now (in Oregon, 11/18/17). I can not watch the channels live, though. Not sure if this is part of free weekend or what, because yesterday I had Xfinity tell me I subscribed to Showtime, which I hadn’t. The customer service guy cancelled that and gave me a free movie because he couldn’t figure out why I got the false subscription. Maybe he also gave me some free on demand? Will advise if this goes away on the 20th.
Is Comcast having this free preview ? Or are they too cheap
We have Comcast xfinity and we cannot get the free cable:(
Anything on Century Stink Prism?