Free Preview of HBO on Xfinity

Silicon Valley screenshot

Free Preview Begins: July 10, 2017 (Monday)
Free Preview Ends: July 16, 2017 (Sunday)

Xfinity will be showing a free preview of HBO July 10-16, 2017.

Thank you, Cindy, for sending this in!

Channel Lineup:

Check with your provider for the local channel lineup.

Comcast Xfinity


  1. Why is this a week before game of thrones dont the do the previews on game of thrones week?

  2. Is it moble device and online only?

  3. Thanks! I have it now on the OnDemand. It also includes free preview of Cinemax.

  4. Thanks, but it is not on

  5. CHRIS B….Last free night IS G.O.T. PREMIERE

  6. What time? It’s 2:00 pm and still no free preview.

  7. Not working as of right now

  8. Where’s the HBO freeview on DirecTV? I was counting on it for the new GOT.

  9. I have Comcast Garden State Cable (N.J.). Cinemax is also free on OnDemand.

  10. Looking for it, don’t see it…. how are you going to get “might be” costumers if we can’t see?!

  11. Customers (sorry for the misspell…)

  12. What time is this supposed to start on July 10th? Still don’t have it on xfinity. And it is 4:30pm

  13. What time does the free preview start on Xfinity HBO we clicked on HBO and it is not free yet thank you

  14. What channels in my are show free HBO this week?

    Dallas GA 30132…Comcast Inifinity

  15. I have comcast but everytime i look for hbo for the free preview it says i need ti subcribe . Today is the 10th but wont let me check it out

  16. How is this supposed to work? I go to the HBO channels, and they all say a subscription is required!

  17. I have Xfinity Comcast and I’m not getting anything free. None of my aHBO’s will play.

  18. On Comcast….checked hbo today at 1:00 …not on…does it run til midnight on Sunday so it will include GOT premiere?
    What channel…300 not working

  19. Where can you find the details as my HBO channel is not broadcasting anything

  20. What about Direct tv? I got a free weekend last year for GOT. Are they not doing it again this time? It sucks if they’re not.

  21. Just called Xfinity and I was told that HBO and Cimemax free preview was ONLY for “On Demand” or “Stream Pix”. Not LIVE TV feeds. You must be connected via your Xfinity router.

  22. If you go to on-demand, that is where you will find the tab to click on, to access the HBO preview channel. Happy viewing.

  23. How is this supposed to work? I go to the HBO channels, and they all say a subscription is required!

  24. Apparently, HBO On Demand is free; the standalone channels are not.

  25. Just to clarify, you need to go to Xfinity On Demand and then choose Network and then you get access to free HBO!

  26. No free preview on Tues July 11. What do I need to do to access the free preview?? HBO channel says I need to subscribe.

  27. It’s free movie previews not HBO or Cinemax channels…

  28. Go into “On demand” menu to access GoT and HBO shows

  29. God I miss DirectTV Comcast SUCKS. With Direct at least they unlocked all the HBO Channels when there was a preview week without making you jump threw hoops to try and find things. Also I HATE how you cant block out channels you don’t get on Comcast and on lower tiered packages the channels are mainly just crapy fillers .

  30. Any one find out what channel it was? West palm beach Florida ????

  31. For me the free preview only works “On Demand.”

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