Free Preview Begins: September 14, 2012 (Friday)
Free Preview Ends: September 17, 2012 (Monday)
Update: RCN is showing this free preview too. Thanks Abe!
This weekend is the premiere of Boardwalk Empire on HBO and many providers are showing a free preview to promote it.
The free previews are of HBO & Cinemax and will run September 14-17. If you don’t see your provider below and you know that they are showing this free preview, please leave a comment and I’ll update this post so everyone can enjoy the free preview weekend.
A big thanks to everyone who sent tips into us!
Click the links to get more information and channel line-ups.
Cox communications isnt doing it talk.about a huge.letdown for people who.really wanted to.see boardwalk.empire like me
Directv in Northwest Indiana says this promotion isn’t valid, it must have been sent out in error. When I called and said not only did I have the message on my tv plus the email they said they wouldn’t honor it….Talk about false advertising!!!
Cox.communications is missing out i wonder y.they do.a preview to.promote true blood.but.not.boardwalk.empire
DirecTV sent me an email stating the preview was only for HBO and not cinemax. However, about 7 am EDT they added MAXe and MAXw and later added MMAX. Maybe it’s regional. I had the message from DirecTV on my TV screen and now they are honoring it. Keep checking your channels.
Thanks! I almost forgot about this.
What channels does this preview on??? It would be nice if your employees knew what channels. Fios is HBO 400 plus & Cinemax is 420plus. Go for it. Took me only three calls & 30 minutes to find this out. ENJOY!!!
Shock, NO Comcast. What a piece of junk company!
Woke up this morning and Directv is now honoring the original promotion of free HBO & Cinemax channels. I guess being bombarded with several hundred complaints really does help. Thanks Directv for doing what was right!
UGH Time warner cable never gives ANYTHING free
We’re on Verizon Fios and we’ve got the free weekend!