
Huge Free Preview of HBO This Weekend







There’s going to be a free preview of HBO (and sometimes Cinemax) for quite a few providers this weekend. Here’s what I can confirm so far:

If you don’t see your provider and you’ve heard they are showing this free preview, please leave a comment below. I’ll be out of town for the next few days with limited Internet access so I may not get the list updated. Thank you for everyone’s tips!


  1. I have Dish and I am already getting the HBO/Cinemax preview. I don’t know how long it’s supposed to last though.

  2. Dish seems to have this as well. Both the HBO and Cinemax channels were unlocked today.

  3. Comcast is having a free preview of Live Streams only Online and On Demand as part watchathon.

    Starz Edge
    Starz InBlack
    Starz Cinema
    Starz Kids & Family
    Starz Comedy

  4. Why does Optimum NEVER offer free previews of HBO, Showtime, etc? That is not right!!!

  5. I likewise have Dish and have Cinemax and HBO this weekend..?

  6. Horry Telephone Co. in SC also has free HBO and Cinimax.

  7. […] provider and let us know if they are also participating in this HBO & Cinemax FREE preview. CLICK HERE for more […]

  8. Does charter Cable participate?

  9. I have Metrocast cable & they obviously aren’t participating in this, sadly. :(

  10. I have dish and according to the guide the free preview ends tonight.

  11. We have time warner and we aren’t getting this free service

  12. […] you have a cable/dish subscription, make sure to check your guides this weekend for a possible FREE HBO & Cinemax Preview! Subscribers to AT&T U-verse, Bright House, Consolidated Communications, Cox Cable, DirecTV, […]

  13. I have Time Warner in NE Ohio and I’m getting HBO, HBO2 & HBO on demand but I’m not getting any of the other HBO channels or an Cinemax channels.

  14. Prism service had a message of free preview but is not showing hbo at all

  15. DISH April 10th through 13th

  16. I have comcast

  17. Mediacom is also having this preview April 10-13.

  18. if youre not seeing your free preview you may need to reboot you set top box, worked for me.

  19. We have Time Warner too and its not showing up yet either. We called them. Several other customers have come complained. They told us they are checking into it and will call us back….

  20. Dan, I’m also in NEO and I’m not getting it. I only use apps though on roku and the website on a HTPC, wonder if not having a time warner box is limiting me.

  21. Yep I have prism and came up but not showing mine either :(

  22. The thing is is it came up on prism and said free the guy that said reboot thanks it works now thanks so people start the reboot unplug from powers 10 sec then plug back in should work

  23. I have it on Cox in NoVa.Thanks!

  24. Time Warner (Cinemax) wasn’t working, called and they had me reboot to work. But are free preview weekends supposed to include On Demand?

  25. I have Time Warner in SoCal – normal HBO channels are on on my TVs, but on demand is locked on the TV/asks you to subscribe. I expect they’ll ask me to reboot my box, and on demand might work then on the box, but the free preview doesn’t appear to be available on the app at all, either live or on demand :/

  26. Live in NEOhio. Not getting any free previews through Time Warner of HBO or Cinemax

  27. NE OH. Not working. Called. Rebooted box. Still nothing . No on demand or channels. Sucks! TWC cant luv them. Not even on a free weekend.

  28. […] Huge Free Preview of HBO This Weekend […]

  29. TWC customer..B Lake, NY..started channel surfing at 5pm looking for something for my kids 2 watch..came across the movie channels..we have all HBO’s & Cinemax’s..going 2 try & record as many movies as my DVR can hold!

  30. I have google fiber and not getting anything free :/
    I called and they didnt know what I was talking about

  31. same here in NEO, reboot, nothing, so disappointing but not unexpected from TWC.

  32. Anyone getting HBO GO to work for streaming? It’s not accepting my TWC login

  33. Time warner showing it perfectly where im at

  34. Well now I’m getting the rest of the HBO channels and Cinemax On demand but still none of the Cinemax channels.

  35. PRISM came up with a free HBO preview announcement but when I go to HBOHD and try to watch it tells me to call the number to add service. That means not free. I live in Orlando.

  36. TWC in Plano TX not showing. I called and they let me know that this was limited to a few suscribers.

  37. Same here with prism , nothing

  38. Time Warner in Los Angeles—getting the free preview, but no On Demand, so no catching up on tv series! =(

  39. The HBO free preview on Directv is really lame! How does the
    exec’s in HBO expect to get new subscribers showing movies and
    shows we have all ready seen. Come on who has not seen
    Hulk, the Devil wears Prada, reruns of Veep, Austing Powers, Stuart Little etc.

    HBO if you want new subscribers, catch up with current movies and shows. And I don’t mean from the 1980s or 1990s.

  40. There is nothing in Portland with Comcast! Darn!! I hate cable!

  41. Option NOT available for Optimum Cable.

  42. Mediacom has this but you can’t see all of the HBO or Cinemax or Showtime channels just a select bit of movies

  43. “Huge Free Preview of HBO This Weekend”
    Just curious what this is. I’ve tuned to the appropriate channels and I get “not subscribed to this channel”
    I’ve had Uverse for two years without a single “Freeview weekend”

    Am I doing something wrong?

  44. We got a notice saying Century Link Prism was offering free HBO, but we’re not getting it. Century link sucks anyway, we hate it! Can’t wait till the contract expires and we can go back to cox!

  45. Rebooting worked! But I still hate century link prism.

  46. Oregon coast Charter- no HBO.

  47. what channels is HBO on DISH…

  48. We are getting hbo but not able to dvd anything. We have been able to record movies in the past. Anyone else having a problem?

  49. I have Time Warner and I am watching the free preview.

  50. I have Cox Communications and HBO is not coming up free or anything else.

  51. I have dish every night @ 7 pm program guide says free preview ends and channel high light is green than 5 min before seven blue as if nothing happened any on else having this problem says it end again tonight the 12 @ 7 pm better not game of thrones is the only hbo show i like ! Which is why i dont subscribe!

  52. Maryland Fios customer here. Can vouch for free HBO, hope it holds out for GoT tonight.

  53. have direct tv and HBO free preview is not there?

  54. Have direct tv and HBO free preview doesn’t show up?

  55. Rude directv because you did not tell us of these so called free previews bs what is it the last day today?? Absolutely ridiculous! April 10-13? More likely the last day today

  56. Would have been nice to know this weekend was free movie channels before Sunday night…don’t even show up on the free monthly preview channel!

  57. AT&T U-verse switched to Frontier. To get the free preview, I had to reboot my DVR. However, all I can do is watch the movies.The DVR can’t record during free preview like I have been able to before. Is this because Frontier is screwed up, or is HBO and Cinemax not letting people record movies during free previews anymore?

    1. I also found you can no longer record the movies during the free weekend. They would record on that day, but would be removed by the next day. Too bad.

  58. Direct TV did notify everyone of the free preview through the messages tab.

  59. Love how you don’t know anything about this until it’s almost over. My son clicked on a movie not realizing it was HBO. So I googled and found this. Would of been nice of Verizon to send out an email last week.

  60. TWC is the worst. Never notified of the free HBO. Just happened to see email today. The free service is now gone. I cant wait till FIOS comes to my neighborhood. SEE YA TWC

  61. I am with everyone else, sure wish I would have been notified of this,

  62. Promo almost over when I was informed. How convenient.

  63. It would have been nice if you had put it on the channel 103 to give up ample notice !!!

  64. Watching hbo on demand right now

  65. I cant get anything free ever

  66. nothing free ever

  67. […] HBO & Cinemax will be available FREE April 10 – 13, 2015 on DirecTV, Dish, Cox, MCTV, Mid Century, Midcontinent, Time Warner, Bright House, Verizon, AT&T, RCN, and probably many others. Please check with your own provider and let us know if they are also participating in this HBO & Cinemax FREE preview. […]

  68. […] HBO & Cinemax will be available FREE from April 10 – 13, 2015 on DirecTV, Dish, Cox, MCTV, Mid Century, Midcontinent, Time Warner, Bright House, Verizon, AT&T, RCN, and probably many others. Please check with your own provider and let us know if they are also participating in this HBO & Cinemax FREE preview. […]

  69. Will Charter Communications have a free weekend anytime soon???? I live in Slidell, LA.

  70. You have to go to Ondemand if with Comcast to see it. Most channels wont show it unless you do it that way at least in Comcast anyways. Depends in the box too.

  71. Once again, Optimuum/Cablevision not participating. Thought I could see GOT today. :-/

  72. I too missed GOT, despite the promo that the free access would last until the 25th, it was cut off right before the premiere at 6:00pm. Even though marathons had been running on at least 2 channels a good part of the day, access was yanked right before the big event. Thank you very much Century Link, Prism, (HBO?) very much. Been debating changing providers anyway, this just gave a violent shove into doing that.

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