
Free Preview of Starz for DirecTV and Dish Network

Free Preview Begins: June 14, 2013 (Friday)
Free Preview Ends: June 17, 2013 (Monday)

In addition to the free preview of HBO & Cinemax for DirecTV and Dish Network, you’ll also be able to watch free Starz on the same dates, June 14-17.

Thank you Tom, Justin, Rudy, John, Viewer, and Ernest for sending this in!

Channel Lineup:

Dish Network: 340, 350-356
DirecTV: 525-542

Dish Network



  1. I’m never been sure about this. When a listing says a Free Preview ends on (i.e.) Monday, does that mean “up to but not including” Monday or “through” Monday?

  2. It means through Monday :)

  3. Actually it goes till Tues 6:00 am.

  4. During this free trial can i record shows with the dvr? If so, could I watch them after the trial is over?

  5. Yes Kristin!

  6. What time on Friday the free preview does it start?

  7. Kristen, I record shows all the time like that to watch later.
    Also, for DirecTV, this also includes HBO & Cinemax. Same dates.

  8. Bonnie,
    They always have started at 6:00 AM EDT Friday morning.

  9. With DirecTv, does the OnDemand every work during the free previews?

    It never seems to work for me.

  10. direct tv normally is up to a day late in their free promos.

  11. apparently this webpg. will only publish what it wants as i had tried to post now 5 times with no success.

    1. Debra – we only publish valid comments as they come in so no one has to read spam or hurtful comments.

  12. the 14th for the rest of the nation starts at 12:01am not 6am?

  13. I wake up early and the free preview went on air at 6am. It interrupted a recording of Speed 2, which started at that time. I live in eastern time zone and use Directv

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