Free Preview Begins: July 15, 2016 (Friday)
Free Preview Ends: July 18, 2016 (Monday)
There will be a free preview of HBO and Cinemax July 15 – 18 on Verizon FIOS/Frontier.
Thank you Ann for letting me know about this free preview! If you know about a free preview please let us know about it!
Channel Lineup:
Check with your local provider.
Don’t forget DirecTV also will have a free HBO-Cinemax starting July 15. I marked my calendar when I got your email.
Nice, time to get my DVR ready, even though it’s still pretty packed from the last previews. ;(
Is there a free preview of HBO and CINEMAX for Cox communications coming?
Well direct tv, dish and another provider will have a free preview of hbo and cinemax as well so im guessing cox might join in as well but we will see if they join since this preview is next weekend
Verizon/Frontier failed to provide this service on the last two free weekends on FIOS. They better deliver on this one. I had no issues before Frontier acquired Verizon, and I’m tired of excuses.
This preview will be on Dish as well.
Yes I’m highly skeptical that Frontier will allow this to happen.
WE have Vantage Frontier in West Haven, CT (New Haven County). Will we get a free HBO preview July 2016?
It seems that Cinemax will be available for preview for the four day period, July 15-18, but not HBO. I have Verizon FIOS and was able to DVR Cinemax movies during the preview period, but not ones on HBO. What gives?
Free previews up and running here in ny FiOS.
What channel
Verizon Fios here. And nothing.
The preview is working, but i cant access the on demand, which has always worked for these free previews. Hope it is a momentary thing and is fixed by morning.
Up an running now.
Frontier – finally – free HBO/Max- July 15 -18. All channels coming in great! BUT OnDemand does not appear to be included. Anyone else have the same problem???
Does this free preview include on demand?
Getting HBO and MAX now on Fios, but no on demand programming.
no ondemad programming for HB0. Why
Are they no longer offering access to HBO & Cinimax OnDemand during the Free HBO & Cinimax weekends?
HBO GO is working with Frontier FIOS. Watching Silicon Valley now.
HBO And Cinemax On Demand is working here in NY FiOS. Watched some naughty programming with the gf last night. ;)
Frontier Fios in So. CA….so is it through the 18th or does it end on the 18th? Will it be available on Monday the 18th?
Doesn’t work in tampa with new crappy frontier. Can’t wait till my contrace is over. Worst company ever. You can’t even get to the channel. They blacked it out. So done with cable.
Can you watch on demand during previews for free also? Missed GOT
Frontier is saying VOD isn’t included & some lameness that people with other providers are saying the same thing. Ridiculous.
There’s nothing on their schedule I care to see making this preview worthless to me.
As for the 18th, I would assume it ends at midnight Sunday like it has in the past. I could be wrong. And I’d still be more informative than Frontier.
Try sending a message through their Facebook page. They actually do respond pretty quickly there. Who knows why that is a priority, but it is.
Thank you, PB.
The app is going me the choice of what I want to watch.
I’m on Frontier in Los Angeles. Wanted to check out Cinemax. The channels work great, but On Demand and MAX GO do not work; say I need a subscription. Bummer. Was curious about The Knick!
According to FiOS the free preview is through Monday, and HBO/Cinemax and their On Demand is still up and running here in NY.