Free Preview Begins: April 11, 2013 (Thursday)
Free Preview Ends: April 15, 2013 (Monday)
If you have AT&T U-Verse you can catch a free preview of Starz & Encore April 11 – 15. DirecTV, Verizon FIOS, and Cox are having this free preview as well.
Thank you Jason for sending this into me!
Channel Lineup:
Check with your provider for your channel lineup.
Thanks for the heads-up on this Free Preview. I just received my Spring 2013 U-Guide in the mail today and logged on here to add the Starz/Encore announcement, but I see someone else beat me to it.
I just got an email from U-verse saying that in addition to this Starz/Encore free preview, we also have access to Screen Pack free for several days.
According to the email, we can watch any of the movies in U-Verse Screen Pack (trying to compete with NetFlix) from Apr. 11 – Apr. 21.