Free Preview Begins: June 8, 2012 (Friday)
Free Preview Ends: June 11, 2012 (Monday)
This weekend is the premiere of season 5 of True Blood on HBO and many providers are showing a free preview to promote it.
The free previews are of HBO & Cinemax and will run June 8-11. If you don’t see your provider below and you know that they are showing this free preview, please leave a comment and I’ll update this post so everyone can enjoy the free preview weekend.
A big thanks to everyone who sent tips into us!
Click the links to get more information and channel line-ups.
Will HBO GO be free, also?
In the past HBOGO and MAXGO have worked during preview
I thought charter comunications were also part of this
What time do the promotional channels begin to play? I was assuming that at midnight, which is technically June 8th, the channels would begin working. They haven’t yet and it is almost 1:00am on June 8th. Do you think perhaps the channels begin later in the morning? I am kind of upset that the promotional dates are from 6/8 to 6/11 and it is now 6/8 and the channels don’t work….
Is this just a preview of “True Blood” or does it include all of HBO’s programs? As of 1 AM on June 8, I am not getting any of the HBO channels via Verizon Fios. Thanks.
Message from Verizon: free HBO period begins June 8 at 6 AM.
I’ll believe it when I see it! I can’t count the times we were ‘supposed’ to have a free weekend preview in our area and it never happened.
Well I just got off the phone with Charter and guess what…Charter had 2 cancel the “FREE PREVIEWS” this weekend…imagine that!!!
I know charter was to show free previews of HBO and cinemax but their not showing up can anyone tell me did they pull out are what
I thought charter was included in this? Got a notice over a month ago and now the message is gone and no free preview!!!
Hey folks, it’s typical Charter BS. I got the message at my house 6 weeks ago and called Charter late last week to reaffirm that we were getting HBO/Cinemax free. And I’ll be damned that I wake up and find out they’re not on. So I call and they say it “just came down” that they won’t be free in my area. What a crock of crap. If I had any other options for cable, I’d dump Charter in a heartbeat.
Direct from Charter:
Charter has made the decision to no longer participate in a free preview of HBO/Cinemax scheduled June 8 through June 11. Several Charter headend sites need to undergo upgrades/changes to support increased usage during a free preview window. Since Charter is unable to guarantee the best streaming consistency for customers during a free preview, the choice was made to not participate.
We regrets the last minute schedule change and are constantly working to deliver top notch products, services and a superior customer experience. The upgrade would have been a challenge with this particular Free Preview offering.
I had copied and pasted the message from my bill that the preview was coming into the conversation. TTD Erna : Thank you for your inquiry about the free preview.
TTD Erna : I can definitely check for updates regarding this free preview.
TTD Erna : Please give me a minute or two to get the information.
TTD Erna : Thank you for waiting.
TTD Erna : This is the updates we have.
TTD Erna : Charter has made the decision to no longer participate in a free preview of HBO/Cinemax scheduled June 8 through June 11. Several Charter headend sites need to undergo upgrades/changes to support increased usage during a free preview window. Since Charter is unable to guarantee the best streaming consistency for customers during a free preview, the choice was made to not participate.
TTD Erna : Charter regrets the last minute schedule change. We are constantly working to deliver top notch products, services and a superior customer experience. The upgrade would have been a challenge with this particular Free Preview offering.
I then said way to make customers happy when they knew it was coming a couple months ago and the person had said they knew how I was feeling then.
I too received that message from Charter last month. I don’t understand how they can offer the free preview and then not honor that commitment they made to their customers. Honestly, I don’t really care and I’d love it if they’d just stop sending stupid messages that turn on that damn red light. I don’t give a @#$% about any upcoming UFC fights or whatever you are trying to push on me. The only messages I don’t mind receiving are the ones informing me of free preview weekends. But since it appears that we can’t trust them to even honor those promotional messages, I’d prefer they just stopped sending them altogether.
Was Charter Communications supposed to be included with this preview? I remember seeing a announcement about it a few months ago.
Well how do you expect to keep customers when you don’t give them free previews to see if they want to upgrade. That my friend is how you lose customers, by giving free previews then saying nope sorry can’t do it why is it so hard to give free previews it’s only 3 days come on.
“Several Charter headend sites need to undergo upgrades/changes to support increased usage during a free preview window.” –
Anyone know what that means in English? Are they trying to say they are incapable of showing free previews like other cable outlets due to technical reasons? And if so, how come they have had free previews in the past?
What I’m getting at it Charter is full of baloney.
We have Charter but I don’t get the free preview
Mediacom also has the free preview this weekend.
I also have Charter and didn’t get the free preview, but I just called them and told them it wasn’t working. They offered me a 30 day trial period (of course I have to cancel or I’ll be billed), but just wanted to let everyone know if you’re upset then maybe you can still get the preview.
I am surprised some of you even have paid cable/dish tv. Upset cuz it didn’t begin at 12:01 am, really???
Typical of Charter to offer a tasty morsel only to take it away when the time comes. How anti-climatic! I agree….IF we had any other cable choice in our area, I’d be dumping Charter in a heartbeat. Pay all this money to them each month & they can’t even honor their promise of a “free preview” weekend. Why I am not surprised?
Love free previews, but not much on HBO this weekend. Only thing I see is Hangover 2.
Another Charter disapointed customer! We thought about going to Redbox today to pick up a movie and then remembered the free previews…….but now, nothing. No previews of HBO & Cinemax at Lake of the Ozarks….thanks for nothing Charter! Very disapointed!
What channel is hbo on for free this weekend in Neville, fl?
verizon had the free preview all weekend on in my area. Not that i watched it once because of the material on those channels but it was active.
too bad I did not get a notification. I stumbled upon hbo by accident on june 10
I had the same message in my bill about getting free HBO/Cinemax but nothing came through not sure why they tell you something then not follow through. On another note… fast internet… you got to be kidding my internet connection slow as ever…. good by Charter hello to another cable company since you told seem to minds loosing customers.
Thanks HBO, I was able to watch all of Season 2 of Game of Thrones!
My hbo still on I have cox