EPIX Free Preview

A burning earth
War of the Worlds on EPIX

Free Preview Begins: April 2, 2020 (Thursday)
Free Preview Ends
: April 16, 2020 (Thursday)

EPIX will be available as a free preview April 2nd to the 16th on AT&T U-Verse, AT&T TV, DirecTV, and YouTube TV.

The new show War of the Worlds has just ended but you should be able to catch it On Demand or replays of it.

Thank you, Toddy, for letting us know about this free preview! If you know about a free preview please let us know about it!

Channel Lineup:

Check with your local provider.


  1. It also been on Spectrum/ Time Warner Cable in my area for free since March 19 until April 19, 2020

  2. On Direct TV Meassages, we had the message about Epix Free Preview from today 4/2/2020 til idk when. So I went to Epix channels n found a movie we’ve been waiting to see but channels aren’t working. Is there a certain time (time here 7:32 am est) the channels open up for the free preview?? And when will it end ?? This website says from 4/2/2020- 4/16/2020. I don’t recall what message on my TV said for end date. But, I know it’s usually only for a few days normally like from 4/2-4/6.

  3. Not a free preview on directv.

  4. I’m in Michigan. Have DirecTV and they are advertising free preview for Epix starting today. It is not broadcasting. Is there an issue?

  5. No free Stars and no free Epix on my directv

  6. I’m a directv customer and i’m not receiving any of the Epix free channels that are listed as starting April 2nd. Anyone else?

    1. You’d think for the preposterous prices we pay for DirecTV they could at least put their free previews up when they are supposed to. I’ve had about enough of AT&T.

  7. The Epix channels are working for me now

  8. This is also available on YoutubeTV

  9. Epix is working in New Mexico

  10. Channels not showing up for me either.

  11. Again I’m dealing with the same problem I had Tuesday when I go to these channels it’s not showing the name of the show but it says NO TITLE AVAILABLE,OR TO BE ANNOUNCED BUT THAT DOG CHANNEL LETS YOU KNOW WHAT’S ON, if I don’t know the name of the show I rather not have it FREE OR NOT THIS IS THE SECOND DAY

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