Hallmark ChannelHistory ChannelSundance ChannelTV Land

Dish Networks New Free Previews for the Month

Free Preview Begins: July 1, 2015 (Thursday)
Free Preview Ends: August 4, 2015 (Tuesday)

Sorry for being a little late with this one.

dish-network-logo-5161083There is a free preview of TV Land, History Channel, Sundance TV, and Hallmark Channel on Dish Network July 1 – August 4.

Channel Lineup:

106 – TV Land
120 – History Channel
126 – Sundance TV
185 – Hallmark Channel

Dish Network


  1. How in the hell is TV land, and History Channel free when everybody gets it and you have to pay for it,bunch of idiots

  2. Agreed. Hallmark, History, and TV Land should not be add on channels. It helps to confirm Dish is not the place for me and makes those DirecTV commercials look way too true. You know the ones where people switch and pay less, but found they didn’t get the same channels anymore. I always thought that was an exaggeration, but apparently not if these are being given as a free preview.

  3. I would Love to Have Destination America channel added to my Programing?! We do not Need so many Shopping channels and Sports channels? I,VE been a Dish customer since 2011! I Love Destination America!

  4. History and TV Land are in the Top 120 package, as well as in the Smart Pack, the most basic of all the packages. I can’t see how any Dish customer does not already have them. However, a lot of times these free previews aren’t just for Dish, they’re free on other providers at the same time. That’s why they get listed here even though everybody on Dish already gets them.

    Hallmark and Sundance are in the Top 200 package.

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