MLB Extra Innings

Verizon FIOS Free Preview of MLB Extra Innings

Free Preview Begins: April 1, 2013 (Monday)
Free Preview Ends: April 7, 2013 (Sunday)

Verizon FIOS will be having a free preview of MLB Extra Innings April 1-7.

Thank you Sue and Don for letting us know about this free preview! If you know about a free preview please let us know about it!

Channel Lineup:

Check with your local provider.

Verizon FIOS


  1. Free preview of MLB Extra Innings April 1 thru 7th on DirecTV also per website.

  2. The quality of the picture on this free preview is awful. The picture is pulsing, it freezes and the resumes then freezes again. I called Verizon service and the technician was an idiot who said they could do nothing about it, it must be from the networks. All channels of the MLB package have this distorted picture. I would like to order this package, but will not unless someone can correct the problems with the transmission..

  3. I cannot get the free preview at all. My channel says “you are not subscribed: press OK to subscribe.” I want to see the preview, not subscribe, and do not know how to do this.

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