
Showtime Free Preview on DirecTV

Free Preview Begins: May 1, 2015 (Friday)
Free Preview Ends: May 3, 2015 (Sunday)

showtime-free-previewDirecTV customers will be getting a free preview of Showtime May 1-3.

Thank you Ryan and Carol for letting us know about this free preview! Do you know about an upcoming free preview? Let me know about it!

Channel Lineup:

545 – 557 – Showtime



  1. any word if comcast will have it also i know they had it last year

  2. Usually Showtime Free Previews also include the TMC channels, Flix, and Sundance … does anyone know if this will be the case for this one as well?

  3. As Far As I Know With Directv Premium Channels Free Preview Sundance Always Comes As AAddition So With That In Mind When A Premium Channel Is Order Sundance

  4. Channels 545-557

  5. Awesome thanks!!

  6. Isn’t may 1 Thursday?

  7. This is May 1st. Why can’t I get Showtime previews ? I have gotten Previews in the past. I was sent notice that I would get free Showtime May1-May3. Jeanne Williams

  8. You need to add the channels to your channel list. Or you can just change your channel list to “channels I get” for the weekend then change it back to your regular list later. Bring up the guide, push the yellow button for guide options and go from there.

  9. they won’t sell showtime like this! as usual, not ONE good movie all 3 days. all old stuff everybody has seen or could care less about. sad!

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