
HBO & Cinemax Free Preview on DirecTV

Free Preview Begins: April 21, 2017 (Friday)
Free Preview Ends
: April 24, 2017  (Monday)


There will be a free preview of HBO and Cinemax on DirecTV April 21-24.

Thank you Carol for letting us know about this free preview! Do you know about an upcoming free preview? Let me know about it!

Channel Lineup:

501-511 – HBO
515-523 – Cinemax



  1. Saw that Dish Network are doing the exact same. It was just a matter of time before it was announced for DirecTV. Good news.

  2. Wondering if att-uverse will be doing this as well?!? They usually do but haven’t heard. If anyone knows, give a shout! Thanks!

  3. Will Cox have a HBO and cinemax have a free preview to?

  4. Kinda weird that they’re having it just 2(?) months after they already gave one. Coolbeans.

  5. So where is the link to go to or will that show up on the due date here ? thank you

  6. Kimberly,

    Ditto for Uverse

    1. Is there a uverse preview too

  7. Why can’t we pre-record any HBO shows that will be on during this free weekend? We used to.

  8. If I record movies during free preview, will they remain on my DVR after free preview ends?

    1. Yes, I record movies and shows every free preview.

  9. When will these channels be available on the guide for previewing?

  10. For those of you new to DirecTV, free previews always begin and end at 3AM Pacific. Any show you record during the preview will stay on your DVR after the preview.

    1. DirecTV changed their programing so that you can’t watch movies you recorded during the free preview after the free preview is over. Really sucks!

  11. It’s after midnight, but I can’t record anything without signing up HBO.

  12. So far only cinemax is on directv, no hbo yet on the free preview. when will hbo start?

  13. I have DirecTV April 21-24 free preview HBO and cinemax…The cinemax went off but I still have the HBO..WHY?..It’s April 26th I be damn if I’m going pay for it! FYI for people just signed up for DirecTV​ the 3 month free movie channels are really NOT FREE! They charge you for the “free channels” after the 3 months is up!! Straight bs!

    1. I don’t have a answer for you but the same thing is happening on our Directv. I don’t & want to be charged for it either. For know I’m going to enjoy what I have.

  14. Sorry they charge u after the first yr of the contract. For the so called “free movie channels”

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