Free Preview Begins: June 13, 2014 (Friday)
Free Preview Ends: June 15, 2014 (Sunday)
There will be a free preview of HBO & Cinemax on AT&T U-Verse June 13-15.
Thank you Jeff for letting us know about this free preview! If you know about a free preview please let us know about it!
Channel Lineup:
If you’re an AT&T U-verse customer, you can visit the online AT&T U-verse Channel Lineup guide to see the channel numbers for the channels included in this free preview.
Does this free preview include HBO On-Demand?
Thanks so much for continuing to post these updates. Just got my monthly email today informing us about all the free preview weekends in June. By the time I came here to see if I could share the info, they are already posted. Great!
And Kathi, I’d almost guarantee that On Demand service will be part of the HBO/Cinemax free preview weekend. For the past several years now every time U-verse has opened each ‘batch’ of channels for a free preview, the corresponding On Demand material has been accessible as well.
The U-verse email that I received specifically mentions On Demand will be available for the Showtime/TMC and the Starz/Encore weekends later in the month, but doesn’t say it for HBO. Nevertheless, I have every confidence that we will be able to use On Demand that weekend.
Thanks again to the administrators for the good work on this site!
Alan (San Diego)
Game of Thrones finale, here I come!