MLB Extra Innings

Free Preview of MLB Extra Innings

Free Preview Begins: July 14, 2011 (Thursday)
Free Preview Ends
: July 20, 2011 (Wednesday)

There’s a free preview of MLB Extra Innings for multiple providers July 14-20. So far we can confirm that Verizon FIOS, Cox Communications, Comcast, Cablevision, and DirecTV are participating but many others may be as well.

Please leave a comment below if your provider is having a free preview of MLB Extra Innings.

Thanks Jack, Jeffrey, Andrew and Dallas for letting us know about this free preview! If you know about a free preview please let us know about it!

Channel Lineup:

Check with your local provider.

Verizon FIOS

Cox Communications



  1. DirecTV is getting this free preview as well.

  2. DIRECTV Is Having This Free Preview Also

  3. Thank you Andrew & Dallas!

  4. It’s also on Comcast in the Twincities area

  5. Thank you guys!

  6. Its Also On Cox Cable

  7. And Cablevision

  8. Comcast is receiving the “free preview” but the channels are not in HD and are pretty much un-watchable. Glad I’m not paying extra for this…

  9. TWC of NYC is NOT, at least from checking the stations. As usual, their customer “service” people are totally useless!

  10. I wish they would do a better job of advertizing their previews. i found out last night by accident after the preview is half over.

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