
Free Preview of HBO & Cinemax Coming to Verizon FIOS

Free Preview Begins: September 5, 2014 (Friday)
Free Preview Ends: September 8, 2014 (Monday)

cyeho_0The free preview of HBO & Cinemax is also coming to Verizion FIOS, September 5-8.

Thank you Jeremy for letting me know about this free preview! If you know about a free preview please let us know about it!

Channel Lineup:

400-431 – HBO and Cinemax SD Channels
899-931 – HBO and Cinemax HD Channels

Verizon FIOS


  1. Dish gets this too. Same time frame.

  2. As of 9 pm September 5 2014, this is not working, either via the STB or Verizon online.

  3. As of 7 pm September 6 2014 this still not working. What is the point of advertising a “free preview” weekend and then not allowing Verizon subscribers access? Maybe Verizon itself sees HBO / Cinemax as a too close a competitor to their own “FIOS on Demand” service?

  4. HBO video on demand is excluded for me. Cinemax VOD is included. All channels for both seem to work just fine.

  5. All I want is to watch every little thing, As long as I enjoy it I don’t really care about anything else,
    Like the title says FREEBIE FPT A WEEK, LETS GO FPR IT!!!!!.

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