
Free Preview of HBO and Cinemax Coming In March for DirecTV

Free Preview Begins: March 29, 2013 (Friday)
Free Preview Ends
: April 1, 2013  (Monday)

DirecTV will be getting a free preview of HBO & Cinemax March 29 – April 1 to promote the new season of Game of Thrones. Hopefully we’ll get more providers taking part in this free preview.

Thank you Melba for letting us know about this free preview! Do you know about an upcoming free preview? Let me know about it!

Channel Lineup:

501-511 – HBO
515-523 – Cinemax



  1. I don’t believe there will be a Cinemax free trial with the HBO free trial March 29 – April 1. My Directv DVR message from Directv says HBO free trial but not Cinemax.

  2. DirecTV sent out two messages, one for HBO and one for Cinemax. So the preview is as described.

  3. Can’t wait to see what will be showing.

  4. I didn’t get the Cinemax message until later. I’ve always recieved both messages at the same time. There will be a Cinemax preview the same time as HBO from March 29 – April 1. I’m sorry.

  5. Should have free on demand to catch up in previous seasons of Game of Thrones too. Also FYI, HBO is said to be cracking down on torrent downloading more than ever this season as GOT was the most illegally downloaded show ever.

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