MLB NetworkMLB Strike Zonemun2nuvoTV

Dish Network’s Free Previews This Month

Free Preview Begins: July 19, 2012 (Thursday)
Free Preview Ends: August 14, 2012 (Tuesday)

Dish Network will be having a free preview of MLB Network, MLB Network Strike Zone, nuvoTV, and mun2 July 19 – August 14.

Dish is also having a free preview of Encore, Movieplex, and Indieplex and Universal Sports until July 24th.

Channel Lineup:

152 – MLB Network
153 – MLB Network Strike Zone
167 – nuvoTV
838 – mun2

Dish Network


  1. Thank you Dish Network!!!

  2. Wow! 4 weeks of free HBO?! Very nice!

  3. Wait! Is the header wrong? While the header says HBO, the actual free preview is for MLB, nuvoTV and mun2!!

    You got me excited for nothing! :=(

  4. Damn Randy. I missed the header and then you got me all excited about HBO only to read your next comment.

  5. I was so excited that I got your name wrong damnit

  6. Yep, the HBO in the header is incorrect. It is not listed at the Dish site for an upcoming free preview.

  7. So sorry about that guys! Checked the wrong box. Nope, no free HBO this month.

  8. Also, this is not for “MLB Extra Innings” (Which Dish stubbornly refuses to offer). This free preview is for “MLB Network”. Two very different things!!

  9. Yesterday I received an email that Dish was offering free previews of HBO and Cinemax for 4 weeks. Today it has magically DISAPPEARED! Another bait and switch from Dish…..shame, shame, shame!

  10. Got that fixed Andrew, sorry again.

    Chris, nope they never planned one, I just made a mistake when posting and checked the wrong box. Sorry :(

    Apparently I needed some more coffee yesterday.

  11. @Admin: Sorry if it seems we’re coming down hard on you for making an honest mistake.

    Your website is still a favorite and it has been so useful for so long. Thank you for the website! There have been many many free previews that I would not have been aware of were it not for this website.

  12. Does anyone know what time of day the free previews usually start and what time of day the free preview ends on Tuesday August 14? On August 14th, will I still have the free preview for MLB Network at night or will it be removed that morning? Thanks

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