Free Preview Begins: August 3, 2016 (Wednesday)
Free Preview Ends: September 5, 2016 (Monday)
Dish Network will be showing a free preview of DIY Network, Cooking Channel, FXM, and MGM HD August 3 – September 5.
Channel Lineup:
111 – DIY Network
113 – Cooking Channel
384 – FXM
385 – MGM HD
I went to look for the MGM channel, it’s not listed on my menu. It jumps from 384 (FXM) to 386 (SONY). Why is MGM listed here but not available on my Dish?
I did a Live Chat w/Dish just now and this is how it went:
Service Rep: Hi, my name is Service Rep. How may I help you?
Barbara: According to your Free Preview information we should get channel 385 – MGM HD this month. It is not showing on our Guide.
Service Rep: Hello Barbara.
Service Rep: No worries, I know how important that is for you.Let me go ahead and check that for you.
Service Rep: As per checking the free preview is until 08/30.
Service Rep: It start last 08/03.
Service Rep: Do you have any other questions or concerns for me?
Barbara: It is not showing on the guide. Today is 08/05.
Service Rep: I see.
Barbara: How are we supposed to see this channel ?
Service Rep: I check the update for you to be able to get this channel you need to have a DISH movie pack.
Service Rep: The DISH movie pack is for $10.00 monthly.
Service Rep: Would you like to add this on your account?
Barbara: Why is it listed as MONTH-LONG FREE PREVIEWS from 8/3/2016 till 8/30/2016 if I have to have the Movie Pack?
Service Rep: Yes because there are certain previews that require subscription.
Service Rep: However since you are one of our valued customers I can give you the DISH movie pack for free good for 1 month.
Service Rep: Would you like to take advantage of it?
Barbara: Sure. Will it automatically end in one month or do I have to contact you again?
Service Rep: Yes.
Service Rep: That will be automatic.
Service Rep: Let me apply it.
Barbara: Okay.
Service Rep: You have elected to receive DISH movie pack for 1 months at no cost. Once this promotional period expires, you will not continue to receive DISH movie pack unless you subscribe to this/these premium channel(s).
Barbara: Okay.
Service Rep: Everything is perfectly set now!
Service Rep: Do you have any other questions or concerns for me?
Barbara: No
Service Rep: Thank you for being a valued DISH customer and allowing me to help. Have a great rest of your day!
Service Rep has disconnected.
Still no answer as to why this channel is not listed on the Guide ?!?!?!?
Oh well Barbara.. you got the whole pack for 1month. EPIX and all, not a bad deal. Do you still care for an answer?? I think not.. Enjoy.
There is a free red zone preview starting tonight , threw the preseason and including week 1 on September 11th on dish network
Barbara, Do you have an HD TV and receiver connected? If you have a standard tv or a standard receiver you won’t see MGM HD in your channel guide… since it’s an HD channel.