Free Preview Begins: November 23, 2011 (Wednesday)
Free Preview Ends: November 27, 2011 (Sunday)
AT&T U-verse is having a free preview of their U450 package over Thanksgiving weekend, November 23-27.
Included in this free preview will be HD channels, sports channels, HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, Starz, and On Demand channels. Sounds like a great free preview!
Thank you Jason, Elias, and Brandon for sending this into me!
Channel Lineup:
Check with your provider for your channel lineup.
I checked my guide on 11-24 for the 1800 series of HBO channels and tried to set a recording and got the message “HBO HD Doesn’t allow recording”. But the 800 series for the same date was fine. Does this mean we cannot record HD during this preview?
AT&T U-verse is giving away HBO & CineMAX free 3 months.
Nerdnik its will every channel in the U450. Doesn’t include the HD Premuim Tier, but its $5.00
Brandon..I’m reading on forum that HD is included in this preview. And why wouldn’t they? If I want to check out a new channel, I would want to see the HD version for sure.
It’s 12:18 EST on Wednesday 11/23/11 and I’m not able to view any HBO channels, SD or HD.
Just read on Att website. Free preview is 24-27.
I went to my ATT Uverse this morning and had no access to any of these channels. Is there supposed to be a time it starts? Is anyone else getting these channels?
I just saw a commercial — it starts tomorrow, the 24th, FYI.
Preview Starts on 11/24 not the 23rd
Now its wed 11/23 at 4:30 pm EST and still no free preview happening for me. Wtf?
It is just all too typical for ATT. Say, do or promise anything, and then renege. I am just marking off my months of obligatory subscription, then it will be adios………….
I am not getting the free preview! What not?
I am not getting a preview either, what the!@#$!
AT&T has been promoting this for over a month, and they’ve always stated the start date as Thanksgiving Day. I’m not sure how this site got the start date of Nov. 23rd, but if any of you are paid subscribers to U-Verse and haven’t seen the the announcements (either in the mail or on TV) of the date, then I don’t know what to tell you.
Expect the channels to all be turned on after midnight (Eastern probably) tonight through the same time Sunday night.
And as they’ve done before, most of the channels won’t let you program recording of them until they are turned on. For some reason the main channel of each pay station (except for the Movie Channel)
HBO (802),
MAX (832),
SHOW (852),
FLIX (890),
STRZ (902), and
ENC (932) will allow you to set recording ahead of time.
So enjoy you holiday and the free preview.
Website says:
VIP U450 Free Preview over the Thanksgiving holiday, November 24 – 27, 2011, 12 a.m. – 12 p.m. Central Time (CT)
I’m not home for Thanksgiving this year, so I’ve been relying on my Uverse app on my iPhone. I keep checking it, but it doesnt show me ANY of the movie channels to set up a recording on. And right now, it’s almost 10 am on Thanksgiving day.
Does the app not recognize the preview days?
The U450 is now avavilble to watch. AT&T U-verse launched TV Land HD ch 1138.
HI Guys,
How do get this preview. I am ATT Uverse customer but do not have access to all the channels. Can someone help? Thanks
Is it just me or does the free weekend not include the HBO, Showtime etc on demand.
On demand had always been apart of other free weekends
Only a few of the channels are actually available Not what I’d hope for.
Anyone had luck scheduling a recording from the iphone or the DVR website? I don’t see the preview channels in the list and thus can’t record them.
(I’m traveling so a reboot is out of the question unless it’s possible to initiate remotely).
I’m not getting any of the channels.
Another good preview weekend just wrapped up. AT&T has been pretty consistent when they schedule these and I have no complaints about this one.
I wish I could have given advice to those of you having difficulty with remote programming, but I don’t do that at all so I couldn’t help.
When I first checked the Thanksgiving schedule, it looked like there weren’t many programs that interested me. Apparently I was wrong because now my DVR is now full of movies.
I think this website is great for sharing information and answering some questions. My thanks to the folks that run it!
I just love these free previews! I was glued to Cinemax the whole time.. and honestly after going to the Cinemax site I am seriously thinking about subscribing to Cinemax! it was too much fun.
This Free Preview of HBO, Cinemax, Starz, & Showtime for Many Providers will be on December 16-19, 2011
The customer is always right, wrong…
If you like being treated like a second class citizen/ customer, ATT is the provider for you.
If you only desire to speak to automated telephone support, ATT is the provider for you.
If you enjoy the inablility to settle any sort of dispute whatsoever, ATT is the provider for you.
If you’re enamored by offensive and threatening business letters, ATT is the provider for you.
God forbid you should decide to upgrade your services with them because they’ll continue charging you for both the old services and new ones.
After 6 prision-like years of services (if you know what i mean), I’m sending it all back. Good riddance.
ATT, this is my last act as a paying customer, and it’s only befitting that I let everyone know how wonderful you are!
Hope ATT fires you Dimitrious from Sales, Service and Billing (phone click)