Choice Xtra

DirecTV Free Preview of Choice Xtra

Free Preview Begins: October 2, 2012 (Tuesday)
Free Preview Ends: October 8, 2012 (Monday)

Sorry about this being so last minute, I just got the info on it yesterday.

DirecTV is having a free preview of their Choice Xtra package October 2-8. This includes 50 channels such as Bio, WGN, National Geographic Wild, Oxygen, and the Golf Channel.

Thanks Ernest and Tom for letting us know about this free preview! Do you know of a free preview you don’t see listed?

Channel Lineup:

Check with your provider.




  1. note that if you have a lesser pkg like “select”, you don’t get as many extra channels free. to quote directv, “you’ll only be able to access the 60 additional channels from CHOICE XTRA that aren’t available with the CHOICE package”.

  2. This notice isn’t showing up on the DirecTV page.

  3. I’ve been looking for the channel where I can preview the EPIX channel for the weekend. I’ve been to a dozen websites trying to find out, but no luck. Why would DIRECT advertise the event and then not tell you where to find the channel???
    Would love a reply so I can watch & evaluate if I’d like to add it to my plan.

  4. disregard my note above about the additional channels gotten when you have a lesser pkg. this time for the first time, all xtra channels were included during the promo.

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